ZOZEN is a steam boiler manufacturer in China.

Natural gas steam boiler daily operating cost

Date: 2019-06-18 Author: Zozen Boiler   Views:

  The operating costs of natural gas steam boilers mainly refer to: fuel costs, maintenance costs, labor costs, etc. Some people will ask what is a natural gas steam boiler, and which area is it suitable for?

  The natural gas steam boiler body is welded around the membrane water wall, and the boiler is designed with a tubular air preheater to improve the thermal efficiency. The ventilation section ratio of the grate is about 6%. The segmented air supply is adopted. The ash contains low carbon. The large furnace design is adopted to make the residence time of the flue gas in the furnace longer. The fly ash and the combustible gas are fully burned to improve the thermal efficiency.

  The natural gas steam boilers are suitable for residential areas, pharmaceutical factories, food factories, carton factories, etc., all of which have been cooperated with ZOZEN Boiler. You can call +86-13506151129 hotline for consultation.

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