ZOZEN is a steam boiler manufacturer in China.

Price of 10 tons of natural gas steam boiler

Date: 2019-06-18 Author: Zozen Boiler   Views:

  10 tons of natural gas steam boilers include horizontal internal combustion steam boilers, horizontal external steam boilers, horizontal heat pipe steam boilers, double drum horizontal steam boilers, double drum vertical steam boilers, single drum horizontal steam boilers, single Vertical steam boilers, chain grate steam boilers, fluidized bed steam boilers, etc.

  According to the fuel, the 10-ton natural gas steam boiler can be divided into a biomass-fired steam boiler, a coal-fired steam boiler, a fuel-fired steam boiler, a gas-fired steam boiler, an alcohol-based steam boiler, etc. These steam boiler models are designed to meet different fuel needs. Designed for operational environment requirements, etc., need to be selected according to specific conditions and needs.

  The specific models of 10 tons of natural gas steam boilers are WNS oil gas boilers and SZS gas hot water boilers. 10 tons of natural gas steam boilers can be used for food production, fermentation, drying, disinfection, etc. The price is about 500,000, but the specific Model price also needs to consult online customer service or call +86-13506151129 hotline.

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